Shrouded in thick, rolling fog and surrounded by gnarled, towering trees, the swamp known as Oldmire is as mysterious as it is ancient. The center of many horror stories, countless lost travelers or foolish adventurers have entered Oldmire only to find themselves face to face with one of its many earthen terrors. None more terrible than the Hag of Oldmire herself, Rava Verassa.
This supplement provides everything a GM needs to design an encounter or run an adventure featuring Rava Verassa, the Hag of Oldmire. Below you will find the legendary elemental hag, along with descriptions for points of interest in her swamp, Oldmire, the various hazards and environmental dangers it provides, and three new creature options. Plot hooks have also been included to assist GMs in creating their adventures to the swamp and to guide players toward their final battle with Rava Verassa.
This supplement is designed to be used within any existing campaign.
This supplement includes: