Shard Tabletop

Leshy Race

A Tiny Living Room

A race option for 5e! Leshies are immortal spirits of nature that are given physical form by primal magic.

Price $2.00

A race option for 5e!

Leshies are immortal spirits of nature that are given physical form by primal magic. Leshies are as varied as the material used to create their vessels, and their personalities match. Some choose to create life bonds with their creators, and yet others wish for solitude.

Regardless of the circumstances of their creation, leshies are more than meets the eye.


This product comes with the base race, 10 subraces, and two feats!


The free PDF for this race can be found on our Patreon here.

Product Details

Published 6/26/2023
Category Character Options
Includes 3 Art, 12 Races, 3 Spells, 2 Feats, 1 Books
Shard Tabletop Marketplace