Shard Tabletop

Fanatic Devotion

Off Grid RPG

Become a Fanatic!

Price $6.99

Fanatic Devotion is a D&D 5e compatible module designed to add a bit of fanaticism to your D&D campaigns.

What you will find inside.

  • Paladin: Oath of Undeath
  • Fighter: Pious Knight
  • All new Penitent Class with two subclasses, Penance of Obeisance and Penance of Flagellation.
  • 4 new items including two evolving items designed for fanatics.
  • 2 New spells

Product Details

Published 12/13/2022
Category Character Options
Theme Miscellaneous
Setting Any Setting
Includes 15 Art, 1 Monsters, 2 Spells, 10 Items, 1 Books, 4 Subclasses, 1 Classes
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