Czepeku have outdone themselves with this incredible rural map. Wainwrights - wagon builders - are necessary in most villages and towns and this is a perfect map to bring life and depth to your world! In this scenic rural locale a river, bridge, path, and workshop converge to build a living and dynamic landscape. Use the seasonal and weather variants to bring your players back to this store whenever they lose a wagon or need a new wheel.
This map is 26x41 squares, and contains 16 variations (including the base image):
Shard Note: These maps are gridless, but have been scaled appropriately to work with Shard's built-in grid feature. To enable the grid, simply click on the grid icon (the solid square) above the map.
This map is part of Czepeku's 'Peaceful Village' series, the rest of which can be found in the Marketplace.